Sharing our IB community artwork via our online network


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Our IB community is continuing to share artwork online via #IBart. You can now view their creative work via our IB network to celebrate and support them online.

As we continue to see the use of the hashtag to showcase and share the creativity amongst the members of our IB community, the IB has decided to launch a dedicated page using #IBart to further circulate all of the artwork being produced.

By adding a location to your post on Twitter or Instagram, it will enable us to create a map of all the work taking place around the world, keeping our IB community well connected.

Artwork should only be shared after receiving a final IB grade for the submission. We recommend that students and teachers refrain from posting final assignments or intended assessment pieces online. Sharing artwork before obtaining a final grade poses a risk of others using their work, potentially leading to authenticity concerns and/or an investigation of student academic misconduct under IBO's Academic Integrity Policy.

If you would like to explore the artwork currently being circulated, please visit our dedicated exhibition page.

Take a look at #IBart


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