Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Middle Years Programme


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It's been 25 years since the launch of the MYP, an innovative programme of learning for students aged 11 - 16. Students and alumni from all over the world tell us what the MYP means to them.

The MYP is a framework that encourages students aged 11 - 16 to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. Using global contexts, MYP students develop a deep understanding of their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet.

One of the key features of the MYP is eAssessment, a groundbreaking digital assessment system that helps achieve greater student outcomes. In 2018, MYP eAssessment was awarded Best Use of Summative Assessment at the eAssessment Awards, and has since been shortlisted for several other international awards. 

We talked to some international MYP alumni to hear about their wonderful experiences of the MYP. Eddie Bannayan from Amman Baccalaureate School in Jordan told us "I think the MYP builds a great base for you and gives you the skills that you’re supposed to acquire, and then when you go into the IB you’re ready to apply those skills into real-life situations, which I think is great."

Read more MYP stories

Take a closer look at what the IB community says about the MYP in its 25th year.