Dr Mona Mourshed

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Mona is a senior partner with McKinsey & Company’s Washington DC office and leads the Global Education Practice. She was previously based in Dubai for over ten years, and was a founding member of the office.

Mona is the lead author of Education to Employment: Getting Europe’s Youth Into Work (2014), Education to Employment: Designing a System That Works (2012), How the World’s Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better (2010) and is co-author of How the World’s Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top (2007). These reports have been widely cited in the media and in the education field, and Mona has been invited to speak about these reports in over 40 countries around the world.

Mona serves education clients across the public, private, and social sectors around the world. In the school system arena, her work focuses on supporting heads of school systems to achieve rapid gains in literacy and numeracy at the classroom level, including both in-class and on-line learning models. In the education to employment arena, she works with government leaders to develop youth employment solutions, and with industry and education leaders to develop programs that both create opportunities for disconnected youth and that build talent with the necessary technical and behavioral skills for high-scarcity or high-churn roles.

Mona serves as the Board of Directors’ Vice President of the McKinsey Social Initiative, an independent non-profit founded by McKinsey & Company. She leads its first flagship effort, Generation, which supports one million young people to achieve jobs and skills across five countries (US, Spain, India, Kenya, and Mexico) in five years, and seeks to create an open-source replicable and scalable methodology to support tens of millions more young people.

Mona was selected as one of Fortune Magazine’s ’40 under 40’ (2011), serves on the Board of Governors of Junior Achievement Worldwide, as well as serves on the Board of Governors of the International Baccalaureate Organization. She is also a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Education.

She has a B.A. from Stanford University and a Ph.D. from MIT. Mona holds American and Egyptian citizenship.