Use of technology in secondary mathematics (2014)

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Paul Drijvers, John Monaghan, Mike Thomas and Luc Trouche

This study aims to provide insight into the use and integration of technology into the curriculum, classroom practice and learning in secondary mathematics courses. The report includes a literature review on a comprehensive range of studies on the use of technology in senior secondary mathematics education as well as a comparison of the IB’s intended and implemented Diploma Programme (DP) mathematics curriculum with the intended and implemented curriculum from six different countries. The report contains sections on: curriculum, types of technology used, learning, student skills and competencies, pedagogy and assessment. The study indicates that: curriculum documents from the IB and all six countries mention technology as an explicit element in the mathematics curriculum; the most commonly referenced technology is the graphic display calculator; and teachers want professional development that models planning and pedagogy so they can meaningfully integrate technology into their lessons to help students learn mathematical concepts.

Research summary (PDF, 156 KB)

Full report (PDF, 1.66 MB)