Nicholas Palmer—The International School of Azerbaijan
The purpose of this research was to determine the depth and scope of Global Citizenship Education through the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme exhibition. The small-scale qualitative study describes how a fifth-grade cohort and teachers at the International School of Azerbaijan uncover Global Citizenship Education in situ. Drawing on recent Global Citizenship Education literature, including Irene Davy’s (2011) International Baccalaureate position paper and UNESCO’s (2015) Global Citizenship: Education Topics and Learning Objectives, the study seeks to align current theory on Global Citizenship Education and the implementation, inquiry and reflective components of the exhibition. The research is underpinned by communicative action and reflection (Habermas, 1984), denoting a critical stance on epistemology. The results, it is argued, frame authentication, co-creation and substantiation as key enabling Global Citizenship Education features of the exhibition. As the presented framework is based on practice, the key assertions are applicable to schools seeking to enliven contextual modes of global learning.