Annette Gough, Brian Sharpley, Sandra Vander Pal and Michele Griffiths—RMIT University
The aim of this research study was to examine the impact of the implementation of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) on student outcomes, pedagogical practice and school culture in the 13 Victorian Government primary schools that have been authorized to offer the PYP. National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data from all 13 Victorian Government PYP schools was analysed in this study. To complement the publically available NAPLAN data, the research team also developed a principal, teacher and student survey. Lastly, to offer a richer picture of the implementation and impact of the PYP in the Government schools, three case studies were conducted. PYP student outcomes on the Year 3 and 5 2012 NAPLAN reading and numeracy tests in the 13 schools were higher than the Australian average, except for in one school in numeracy. Both principals and teachers in participating schools believed that the PYP has contributed to student learning, particularly academic achievement, student development of learner profile attributes and student motivation. Students were also positive about their learning opportunities, teacher impact and school environment.