Diploma Programme alignment with the Pakistan National Curriculum for years XI and XII (2017)

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National Recognition Information Centre for the UK (UK NARIC)

UK NARIC conducted a comparative analysis to identify similarities and differences in the content, structure, assessment and cognitive demand of the DP and Pakistan’s Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), in addition to the aims and objectives that underpin the Pakistani education system, as outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP). The study also compared the recognition of the DP and HSSC for the purpose of undergraduate admission. Overall, the study revealed many similarities between the DP and HSSC and the principles and aims that underpin them. This was particularly evident in the recommendations for teacher training and teaching strategies, and at a subject level, in the key content studied. Some of the differences identified reflect the distinct contexts for which the programmes have been designed, specifically having a national versus an international focus. More substantial differences were identified in the comparative analysis of assessment demand and recognition by universities. In general, the DP assesses subjects at a higher level of cognitive demand. Additionally, the DP has greater recognition than the HSSC in relation to the entrance requirements of universities worldwide.

Research summary (PDF, 211 KB)

Full report (PDF, 1.5 MB)