Elisabeth Barratt Hacking, Chloe Blackmore, Kate Bullock, Tristan Bunnell, Michael Donnelly and Sue Martin, Department of Education—University of Bath
International-mindedness is an overarching construct related to intercultural understanding, global engagement and multilingualism. The objective of this global study was to examine how International Baccalaureate (IB) World Schools conceptualize, develop and assess international-mindedness and to understand related challenges. Additionally, the researchers aimed to identify promising practice in developing international-mindedness across IB programmes. Nine case study schools, identified as being strongly engaged with international-mindedness, were selected for an in-depth examination of their practice and thinking related to international-mindedness. The IB curriculum, and particularly components such as creativity, activity, service in the Diploma Programme, was perceived as key to developing students’ international-mindedness. Teachers also play a significant role in fostering students’ international-mindedness through their choice of resources and examples and by serving as role models. Lastly, this study has also shown that it is important for schools to make international-mindedness their own, suited to their own communities and contexts.