Available subjects

Last updated:

Below is an outline of subjects offered for ePortfolios of coursework.

The MYP Assessment Procedures provides the most current information regarding the availability of subjects.


Assessment type

Languages available


Visual arts: media


English, French, Spanish

Visual arts: visual art


English, French, Spanish

Performing arts: dance


English, French, Spanish

Performing arts: drama


English, French, Spanish

Performing arts: music


English, French, Spanish

Physical and health education    
Physical and health education  ePortfolio  English, French, Spanish
 Design  ePortfolio  English, French, Spanish

The IB continuously reviews all subjects on offer for MYP eAssessments (both ePortfolios and on-screen examinations).

Ready to register?

Any IB World School teaching the MYP can register for the optional eAssessment, using the IB information system (IBIS).

Registration for MYP eAssessment is highly flexible. It can differ per student per single subject, a variety of subjects or the full MYP certificate.