Tim Hopfenmiller – Amman, Jordan

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Tim Hopfenmiller completed the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) at the The Ahliyyah School for Girls and the Bishop’s School for Boys, Jordan.

Tim Hopfenmiller

Why did you choose the MYP?

I chose the IB because it sounded very attractive to a young learner and I heard about it from my parents, which resulted in me choosing the IB.

What impact did MYP courses have on your learning?

The courses impacted my learning by teaching me the ATL (approaches to teaching and learning) skills. These skills then boosted my self-confidence and allowed me to do things such as apply for the school choir or the school’s drama team and band, where I am now performing with them and having a lot of fun and learning lots of things.

What was your favorite MYP subject?

My favorite subject from the MYP would be drama because it really helps me apply the ATL skills on to other subjects and to perform and then reflect on the performance and really get to know myself more.

Would you recommend the programme to other students? Why?

Yes, I would recommend this programme to another student because it is really student-centered and for learning it is great because you get to do the learning. It's not the teacher that teaches you, it’s not the traditional way, and it really helps you build your own character and get to know yourself.