2014 regional conference

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The 2014 Conference of the Americas was held on 10-13 July 2014.

Photos from the 2014 conference

Videos from the 2014 conference

Click to watch the videos on YouTube.

Thursday | 10 July 2014

IB In our Public Schools: Not Another Reform Movement [424KB] pdf

Dan Warticki
Nikki Woodson
Gary Little

Friday | 11 July 2014

IB Career-related Certificate update [1.5MB] pdf

Natasha Deflorian

Bilingual language learning at anIB World School: Research results [415KB] pdf

Dominic Liechti

Daniel J. Guhr

Closing the Gap with the PYP [1.3MB] pdf

Nancy Gerbe
Heather Schrunk
Kirsten Wickman

DP and MYP assessment principles and practices [1MB] pdf

Carolyn Adams
Stephen Miller 
Sasha Taylor-Wood
Ross Titshall

La educación como factor de cambio [899KB] pdf

Gloria Mcdowell

Beyond food and flags: Moving from multiculturalism to internationalism [335KB] pdf

Stacey Wahrman

How to apply to universities in Canada, the UK and Europe [1MB] pdf

Pamela Joos
Andrew Arida
Teresa Smiley

Diploma Programme update [1,1MB] pdf

Gloria McDowell
Jennifer Baker

Re-thinking school: University partnerships to meet the needs of diverse IB learners in Chicago [1.4MB] pdf

Sara Leven
Ann Marie Ryan
David Gregg

The IB continuum: Challenges and opportunities [108KB] pdf

Jim McConnell

Middle Years Programme update [1.6MB] pdf 

Ted Williams
Robert Harrison
Sofia Dolega

Clase invertida de física del Bachillerato Internacional [1.8MB] pdf

Rodrigo Ponce Díaz

Actualización del Programa del Diploma [1.MB] pdf

Alicia D'urbano
Jennifer Baker

Growing IB in a high-needs school [659KB] pdf

Scott Murphy
Lisa Ingram

Teaching, learning and leading with schools and communities:An integrative approach to IB programme design [396KB] pdf

Ann Marie Ryan
Amy Heineke

Developments in the IB programmes: Current and future [711KB] pdf

Judith Fabian

Math Conversations: Giving every child a voice [526KB] pdf

Genta Branstetter
Leah Palmatier

Supporting Underserved Students [539KB] pdf

Shannon Gundy
Sara Leven
Brian Spittle
Eddie West

A novel way to change the world [1.1MB] pdf

Khaled Hosseini

El ciclo de indagación como elemento organizador en el proyecto ersonal [4.5MB] pdf

Roxana Calderón

If language shapes the world, what does it look like in French? [700KB] pdf

Patrick Daneau

Leadership that makes a difference [166KB] pdf

Bryan Nixon

Transforming teaching and learning: A successful 1:1 experience in an IB school  [2.7MB] pdf

Natalia Castillo


Saturday | 12 July 2014

Estrategias metacognitivas para articular el conocimiento [663KB] pdf Cristina Jasso Ayala
Global and regional recognition: Updates and resources [1.2MB] pdf
Paul Sanders 
Paul Campbell
Angela Hopkins
Unlocking the power of MYP onscreen exams [1.8MB] pdf
Robert Harrison
Carolyn Adams

Admission case studies [323KB] pdf

Kirk Brennan
Jim Bock
Kim Johnston

Probidad académica: de los principios a la práctica [1.5MB] pdf

Celina Garza

Hacking education: Exploring informal learning currencies [4.8MB] pdf

Cristóbal Cobo

Marketing your IB student and programme [228KB] pdf

Pamela Joos 
Debra von Bargen

MYP 2014 and beyond [1.9MB] pdf

Robert Harrison

The IB and inclusion: An update [761KB] pdf

Jayne Pletser

Actualización del Programa de los Años Intermedios [2.7MB] pdf

Sofia Dolega 
Ted Williams

Games without frontiers: Understanding student engagement during simulations [271KB] pdf

Charles Gleek

Bringing the IBCC core to life [1.7MB] pdf

Natasha Deflorian
Kevin Denny
Beth Bailey
Stephanie Weinfurter

Inquiry: What does it look like? [385KB] pdf

Kimberly Mitchell

TEDx and theory of knowledge: Ideas worth spreading [2.5MB] pdf


Tim Leistikow

Andrew Haaheim

Science as a way of knowing [985KB] pdf

Alan Leshner

What's Your Passion? It's the journey, not the destination [698KB] pdf

Lis Caison
Lisa Hack

Academic honesty: Principles into practice [1.1MB] pdf

Celina Garza



Lydia Garza
Linda Cartlidge
Carla Dawson
 An Overview of PARCC [1.3MB] pdf  Callie Riley
Flight plan to IBCC integration [1.1MB] pdf
Carlos Acosta
David Youngman
Jackie Boileau
Predicted results/unpredictable outcomes [884KB] pdf
Panetha Ott 
Pam Joos 
James Minter 
Debra von Bargen
Mapping the Common Core [921KB] pdf
Libby Rogovoy
Michael Dushel
Educator externships: Bridging the learner profile with real-world applications [863KB] pdf
Kimberly Stern
Facing the facts: Opportunities and challenges of online learning [229KB] pdf
Edward Lawless
Inquiry strategies to support mathematics instruction in the PYP [1.7MB] pdf
Mary Hillberry
Vinos Kassab 
Elizabeth Neun
Man in the mirror: Challenging and transforming the adult mindset through the IB learner profile [1.1MB] pdf
Molly Murray
Renee Hill
Actualización del Programa de la Escuela Primaria [3.5MB] pdf
Alicia Olea
Michael Clifton
Project Worldview: Using the IB core to cultivate young researchers [300KB] pdf
Heather Michael
Jennifer Mitton-Kukner
PYP - The BIG ideas [544KB] pdf
Terri Walker
Cecile Doyen
Helen Barrett

Sunday | 13 July 2014

Project Lead The Way and the IBCC [987KB] pdf
Carolyn Malstrom
Ed Graf
Teaching twice-exceptional students in the IB programmes [251KB] pdf Daina Lieberman
Life after the IB: How your graduating students can stay connected with alumni worldwide [3.9MB] pdf
Benjamin Sky Brandt
Hari Gopal
Ludwig Barragan
IB students and first-year university performance [981KB] pdf
Andrew Arida
Staying connected through your IB association [457KB] pdf
Laura Lane
Emily Munn
Amy Woolf
Relaciones universitarias: iniciativas en las Américas [1.1MB] pdf
Marie Vivas
Michael Leshner
Engineer a better future: How human-centred design thinking connects STEM with units of inquiry [826KB] pdf
Dede Frothingham
Amber Marsolek
Axel Reitzig
Jennifer Tatham
Librarianship: Defining the role of the librarian in the IB school [240KB] pdf Margaret Buck