Middle Years Programme (MYP) language and literature courses develop skills in six areas:
The six skill areas are:
- Listening.
- Speaking.
- Reading.
- Writing.
- Viewing.
- Presenting.
Inquiry is at the heart of MYP language learning, and aims to support students’ understanding by providing them with opportunities to independently and collaboratively investigate, take action and reflect on their learning.
What is the significance of language and literature in the MYP?
All IB programmes value language as central to the development of critical thinking, which is essential for cultivating intercultural understanding and responsible membership in local, national and global communities.
Language is integral to exploring and sustaining personal development and cultural identity, and provides an intellectual framework that supports the construction of conceptual understanding.
As MYP students interact with a range of texts, they generate insight into moral, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental domains. They continually grow in their abilities to form opinions, make decisions, and reason ethically—all key attributes of an IB learner.
How is language and literature structured in the MYP?
Schools are strongly encouraged to offer language and literature courses in multiple languages and to support students’ mother tongues.
MYP language and literature courses are designed to:
- engage a student in the study of many aspects of the language and literature of a communities and their cultures
- offer a study of a wide range of literary and non-literary text types, writing styles and techniques, allowing students to comment on the significance of any possible contexts, audiences, purpose, and the use of linguistic and literary devices.
Find out more about the MYP curriculum and about becoming authorized to implement the MYP.
Learn more about language and literature in an MYP workshop for teachers.
Language and literature subject brief
Subject briefs are short documents providing an outline of the course. Click on the brief below to find out more information about this subject.