Pathway to employment

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21st century life places complex demands on graduates looking for work – so enabling students to become self-confident, skilled and career-ready learners must be an integral part of their education.

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Career-related Programme (CP) prepares students for the world of work, as well as developing a student’s personal qualities.

By doing so it leads students down a personally chosen pathway towards further/higher education, apprenticeships or work.

Developing students for success in employment

Students in the CP develop skills that are genuinely valued by employers. The programme’s curriculum framework develops:

  • linguistic proficiency
  • critical thinking skills
  • maturity and responsibility
  • time management skills
  • a strong work ethic
  • social and communication skills.

These capabilities are complementary to the accredited skills students gain as a requirement of their career-related studies.

Find out how to implement the CP in your school.

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