Finalistes de la bourse pour les jeunes innovateurs du PEI de 2020

Dernière mise à jour:

Le Baccalauréat International (IB) dévoile les noms des finalistes pour l’attribution de la bourse pour les jeunes innovateurs du Programme d’éducation intermédiaire (PEI) de 2020. Cette plateforme donne aux élèves du PEI l’occasion d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour devenir les dirigeants, les innovateurs et les entrepreneurs socialement responsables dont le monde a besoin aujourd’hui.

Toutes nos félicitations aux élèves retenus. Veuillez consulter ci-dessous la liste complète des finalistes de 2020 et leurs projets respectifs.


Nom du projet
École du monde de l’IB

Navya Agarwal

Navya Agarwal

Project Limitless

Indus International School, Bangalore Inde

Yash Akkara

Yash Akkara

Spreading awareness and providing practical training for first aid and CPR

Oberoi International - OGC Inde

Khushi Baharia

Khushi Bajaria

Innovation in Practice

Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Kenya

Jonathan Brown

Jonathan Brown

Big Box Nutrition

Connecticut IB Academy


Indra Deshmukh

Indra Deshmukh

Nurture Nature's Future (NNF)

Munich International School Allemagne

Tatiana Fahie

Tatiana Fahie

Menstrual Vending Machine

Cedar International School Îles Vierges britanniques

Fazia Farheen

Fazia Farheen

Project Independence

International School Dhaka Bangladesh

Asanshay Gupta

Asanshay Gupta

Helping the paralyzed regain control of their lives by building an eye-controlled wheelchair

Atlanta International School


Leon Hariyanto

Leon Hariyanto

An App that Teaches Traditional Javanese Writing 

Sinarmas World Academy Indonésie

Maya Ishaq

Maya Ishaq

Store for more

International Academy Amman (IAA)


Meher Joshi

Moe Ebii

Meher Joshi


Moe Ebii

Talented Transgender Individuals

Oberoi International School Inde
Paridhi Kaparia

Paridhi Kapadia

Application to improve ANC in rural communities in India

Oberoi International School Inde

Sahib Kaur

Sahib Kaur

Sustaining and Replenishing Better Access to Technology (SARBAT)

Imagine International Academy of North Texas


Mamoun Khasawneh

Mamoun Khasawneh

The Hand of Humanity

International Academy Amman (IAA) Jordanie

Grace Kim

Grace Kim

Mini Moon Project

Seoul Foreign School 

Corée du Sud

Carolyn Lee

Carolyn Lee

Lifetime Epi

Atlanta International School États-Unis

Yu Tung Lee

Yu Tung Lee

Plastic Fuelled Microbial Fuel Cell

Sinarmas World Academy


Josephine Lee

Josephine Lee

Hydroponics LED Garden

Seoul Foreign School République de Corée

Seonwoo Lee

Seonwoo Lee

Greenhouse in the Street

Branksome Hall Asia

République de Corée

Matteo Markel

Matteo Markel


International School of Zug and Luzern Suisse

Nya Mays

Nya Mays


International Academy East


Isam Mina

Isam Mina

The BEATroot

International Academy - Amman (IAA) Jordanie

Minh Nguyen team

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Minh Nguyen,
Casey Wijninga,
Man Nguyen,
Khue Truong

Communal Clothing Exchange Box

International School of Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC)

Viet Nam

Avery Parkinson

Avery Parkinson

National Sandwich Making Initiative

Elmwood School Canada

Dhruv Sampat

Dhruv Sampat

Bit by Bit News

Oberoi International School Inde

Vaibhav Singh

Vaibhav Singh


Oberoi International School Inde

Shivsankar Sreekumar

Shivshankar Sreekumar

Crealive Education

International School of Tanganyika République-Unie de Tanzanie

Pihu Tewari Aahana Mishra

Pihu Tewari,
Aahana Mishra

Paediatric Pedagogy

Oberoi International School Inde


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Arsha Adindra Witoelar,
Taj Attariq Topobroto,
Muhammad Rafi Permadi,
Fari Athallah Santoso

Sustainable EcoHome

BINUS School Simprug République-Unie de Tanzanie


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Isabel Veit
Bona Hou
Fraze Fei
Jacky Yang
Mimu Chen


Utahloy International School of Guangzhou Chine

Rania Wanandi

Rania Wanandi

A New Life for Plastic

Sinarmas World Academy République-Unie de Tanzanie

Can Yavuz

Can Yavuz

Precious Plastic

American School of Warsaw Pologne







































































































































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