IB as a district or national curriculum

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In order to increase access to an International Baccalaureate® (IB) education, the IB works closely with district, regional and national systems.

If you are looking to implement IB programmes on a district, regional or national level, please contact the IB regional office relevant to your location.

You can also find out how many schools are currently offering IB programmes in different countries

Governments working with the IB

Several countries have made agreements with the IB. Some agreements are with national governments; others are with local bodies.

The IB has agreements, of each kind, in countries like:

  • Canada
  • Ecuador
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • USA

Read more about partnerships between governments and the IB.

Developing a policy on IB programmes

District, regional and national bodies can work with the IB to recognize IB programmes as part of their curricula. Implementing access to IB programmes can provide the following benefits:

  • Access to several creative choices for educating students.
  • Acknowledgment as an international leader in education.
  • Access to IB recognition subject matter experts and professional development opportunities.
  • The opportunity to build relationships with other countries that recognize the IB.

For help developing an IB recognition policy, please contact the IB recognition team.

The IB encourages governments and universities to define policies that detail how an IB education relates to the national system of education and is treated for admission, credit and placement at universities and colleges.

Services provided by the IB

The IB provides a range of services for governments.

These services can help governments develop and inform policy, stay up to date with IB programme developments and market IB programmes to schools.

Government services include:

  • Data and reporting
  • Support with programme recognition needs, including updates and course lists
  • Seminars for government staff, which look at IB programmes and specifics including curriculum and assessment
  • Collaboration on government research
  • Marketing services, which encourage the authorization of new schools as a means of meeting government goals
  • Advocacy for legislation and policies that support the introduction of IB programmes.

For further information, please contact the IB recognition team.

  • Find out more: the IB in your country

    Discover how many IB World Schools are in your country—including which schools they are—and access upcoming professional development events.