Keynote speakers

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Graham Brown-Martin

Graham Brown-Martin brings together social, economic, political and technological trends to consider how we might prepare ourselves for the future. He is the author of Learning {Re}imagined, the best-selling book on global education published by Bloomsbury. He has enjoyed a 30-year career spanning the education, technology and entertainment sectors. He is the founder of Learning Without Frontiers (LWF), a global community bringing together renowned educators, technologists and creatives to share provocative and challenging ideas about the future of learning. He is the founder of a growing international intelligence network of interdisciplinary thinkers designing a blueprint for society to thrive beyond the 22nd century. He is co-founder of, a transformative learning consultancy based in London and New York using circular economy principles to inform innovative learning and design practices.  

Today he runs a strategic insight and leadership coaching practice to help organizations and their leaders navigate the future,  achieve their goals and maintain resilience. 

Elizabeth Lombardo

Dr Elizabeth Lombardo is a clinical psychologist and physical therapist  known for her cutting-edge research, relatability, storytelling and humour. She has been featured in more than 100 national media interviews including  The Today Show,  Good Morning America,  Dr. Oz,  Fox Business News,  The Wall Street Journal,  Forbes and countless others. She has coached and aided numerous individuals  in fulfilling their unique happiness and  is considered to be  NBA player Shaquille O’Neal’s "Head coach for happiness". Having worked with many Fortune 500 companies,  Dr. E is considered one of America’s most-trusted celebrity psychologists. Presenting passionate keynotes as well as leading engaging workshops, hosting executive roundtables, coaching private one-on-one sessions,  and delivering online training, Dr.  E  will leave you with actionable strategies to create sustainable change so that you can live the life of your dreams and just be, well...happy!

Kiran Bir Sethi 

Kiran Bir Sethi is a designer who became a teacher, a principal who grew into an education reformer and morphed into a social entrepreneur. A trained graphic designer, she comfortably uses the language of design—iteration, prototype, design specs—to develop not only curriculum innovation, but also community-based social programmes. 

After graduating from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad (India) in 1989, Kiran successfully ran her own graphic design business for over a decade. She moved into education when she founded the Riverside School in Ahmedabad in 2001, which is now viewed as a laboratory to prototype design processes that enable transformative student learning experiences. 

Kiran is also the founder of aProCh and Design for Change. aProCh is an initiative to make cities more child friendly. Design for Change uses a simple four-step design framework—FIDS (Feel, Imagine, Do, Share)—to cultivate the I CAN mindset in all children. Today, Design for Change is in 60+ countries and has an impact on 2.2 million children and 65,000 teachers.

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