The role of the coordinator

  • Thème de l’atelier: PEI
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Niveau: Cat 3

These workshops are organized by IBSCA in cooperation with the IB.

[email protected]


Consult the IB workshops and services catalogue for workshop descriptions and guidance on which workshop category to choose.


Nom de l’événement Thème de l’atelier Langue Niveau
Creativity, activity, service Dip Anglais Cat 1
Language A: Literature (generic) Dip Anglais Cat 1
Language B (generic) Dip Anglais Cat 2
Mathematics: Analysis and approaches Dip Anglais Cat 2
Mathematics: Applications and interpretation Dip Anglais Cat 2
Physics Dip Anglais Cat 2
Theory of knowledge Dip Anglais Cat 2
Visual arts Dip Anglais Cat 2
The role of the coordinator Dip Anglais Cat 3
CP Reflective project POP Anglais Cat 1+2
Principles of equitable and inclusive education Éduc IB + PP + PEI + Dip + POP Anglais Cat 3
Language acquisition PEI Anglais Cat 2
The role of the coordinator PEI Anglais Cat 3
Evidencing learning PP Anglais Cat 2
  • Informations d’ordre général

    It is recommended to book your flights and confirm the hotel reservations once the registered workshop has been confirmed by the provider.