
Last updated:

Thursday 21 February 2019

Registration: 7.30-9am


Opening & welcome

Opening ceremony

Welcome – Jon Halligan, Head of Development, IB Africa, Europe and the Middle East

9.30am- 10am

Plenary session 

Keynote speaker: Eric Wainana

'Leading and learning in the 21st century – Developing skills for a connected world'

10am- 10.30am

Coffee break


Breakout sessions 1

10.30am- 11.20am


Innovative approaches to learning

‘Promoting creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in today’s classroom’

Personal and professional skills

‘Action and agency: transforming lives through service learning´

Leading in a global context

‘Developing leadership capabilities for global education contexts - Part I’

11.30am- 12.20am

Ed tech applications

‘How to use online gaming and simulations in the classroom with some examples for STEM’

Innovative approaches to learning

‘Coercive education: no more excuses - exploring innovation in education practise’


Leading in a global context

'Developing leadership capabilities for global education contexts - Part II’

12.30pm- 1.45pm

Lunch break


Breakout sessions 2

1.50pm- 2.40pm

Innovative approaches to learning

‘Global mindset - 'international-mindedness' for improved outcomes’     

Personal and professional skills

‘The role of approaches to learning skills in the making of the 21st century learner’

Leading in a global context

Developing leadership capabilities for global education contexts - Part III’

2.50pm- 3.20pm

Coffee break

3.30pm- 4.30pm

Panel session A: 'Building an effective digital strategy for your school'

Facilitator: Jon Halligan


Rene Burke, Matific

Rafik Fellal, Kognity

Kevin Piersiella, ManageBac

Panel session B: Curriculum: from design to delivery – Getting the context right

Facilitator: Fidelis Nthenge


Alex Holland, Aga Khan Academies, Kenya

Rob Williams, Braeburn Schools, Kenya

Denise Michele, IB educator, South Africa

Allan Mutuma, Centum Investment Company Plc. IB Alumni, Kenya

4.30pm - 5pm



Round table and IB-focused discussion groups

5pm- 6pm

Session A:

'Connected learning in the PYP'

Session B:

'MYP-IGCSE transition: developing competencies for a connected world’

Session C:

'DP/CP pathways'


6.30pm- 7.30pm

 Cocktail and networking

Friday 22 February 2019

8.15am - 9am

Shape of the day/Students' performance

8.30am- 9am

Plenary session

Keynote speaker:  Dr Kamau Gachigi, Founding Executive Director, Gearbox

9.10am - 10am

Innovative approaches to learning

‘Using Afrifest as a model for fostering learning and innovation skills’            

Personal and professional skills

‘Developing life and career opportunities through experiential learning’

Leading in a global context

‘Combining deep conceptual understanding, rigor and engagement in the mathematics classroom'


10am- 10.30am

 Coffee break


 Breakout sessions

10.40am- 11.30am

Ed tech applications

‘Elevating learning and teaching with intelligent books – Kognity’        

Personal and professional skills

‘Service learning –Application of learning to make a difference in society’

Leading in a global context (Repeat)  

‘Developing leadership capabilities for global education contexts - Part I’

11.35am- 12.25am

Innovative approaches to learning

‘Creating a thinking school’                              

Ed tech applications

‘Integrating curriculum into your learning management system–ManageBac’                                 

Leading in a global context (Repeat)

‘Developing leadership capabilities for global education contexts - Part II

12.30pm- 1.45pm

 Lunch break

1.50pm- 2.50pm

Innovative approaches to learning

‘Promoting international mindedness through languages and the arts’

Ed tech applications

‘The Sustainable Development Goals: empowering students for change'                       

Leading in a global context (Repeat)

‘Developing leadership capabilities for global education contexts - Part II’

3pm- 3.20pm

 Coffee break

3.30pm- 4.30pm

Panel Session: Developing Skills for a Connected World: Perspectives from Industries and Universities

Facilitator: Dr Benson Kairu


Elizabeth Rogo, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Tsavo Oilfield Services

Sanda Ojiambo, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Safaricom Foundation

John Mbuthi, Riara University

Chloe Sautter, Sciences Po

4.30pm- 6pm

Closing keynote speakers: Wanjiru Waithaka Waweru, CEO, FunKidz / Jeff Koinange, Journalist