Assessment and exams

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The IB uses both internal and optional external assessment (eAssessment) in the MYP.

School-based assessment

MYP assessment focuses on tasks created and marked by classroom teachers who are well-equipped to make judgments about student achievement. These tasks are rigorous and embrace a variety of assessment strategies.

MYP teachers assess the prescribed subject-group objectives using the assessment criteria for each subject group in each year of the programme.

External assessment

In the final year of the programme, each MYP student must develop a personal project independently, which is externally validated by the IB. Producing a truly personal and creative piece of work over an extended period stands as a summative review of their ability to conduct independent work.

At the same time, schools can register for optional external assessment (eAssessment) in all other elements of the programme. It offers students the chance to earn a formal, internationally recognised certificate if they meet the success criteria.

Once a school registers for eAssessment in the MYP, students can participate in any of these two types of examinations:

The graphic below outlines how the two types of assessment – on-screen examinations and ePortfolios – are divided across the MYP's various subject groups. The Language acquisition assessment comprises one on-screen examination and one internally assessed individual speaking assessment.

MYP eAssessment

The mandatory personal project and the optional ePortfolio course works are subject to external moderation of teacher’s internal marking. On-screen examinations are externally marked by trained IB examiners.

IB assessment principles and practices

The IB takes great care in ensuring assessment of candidates is meaningful and fair.

The following guides provide an overview of the assessment process across our programmes. Read assessment guide for:

Learn more about the principles of MYP assessment here.